Revolutionary Spaces presents an original new play about Phillis Wheatley and the Boston Tea Party at Old South Meeting House, Boston, USA
Nov 3rd – Dec 4th, 2023
Set in the very church where Phillis Wheatley was a congregant, this site-specific new play explores the Tea Party, which also happened 250 years ago, from the point of view of African-Americans. Will Phillis and her friends be able to rescue her books from the detested East India Company tea ships before the Sons of Liberty dump the cargo into the Atlantic?
Built in 1729, Old South Meeting House was the largest indoor gathering space in colonial Boston as well as the location of raucous community meetings that took place in the run-up to the Boston Tea Party. Phillis in Boston will run from Friday, November 3 to Sunday, December 3, 2023, with preview performances on November 1 and November 2.

Revolutionary Spaces brings people together to explore the American struggle to create and sustain a free society, singularly evoked by Boston’s Old South Meeting House and Old State House. We steward these buildings as gathering spaces for the open exchange of ideas and the continuing practice of democracy, inspiring all who believe in the power of people to govern themselves.
Revolutionary Spaces
310 Washington Street
Boston, MA 02108